Thursday, October 1, 2009


finally!! strangely, i don't remember myself ever being this excited for October and fall. but i just love it so much this year! today was pretty much like any ordinary day in my high school life, but IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER!!!
last night, i wore thermal leggings and a huge USC shirt to bed. my feet were unfamiliar-ly cold. it was awesome. oh and as i ran out the front door into the dark morning, my mom handed me a thermos of hot chocolate!! it was so nice. i walked down the stairs outside and the wind immediately messed up my hair, but i welcomed it. i felt like a sophisticated woman in New York or LA, rushing out of her apartment with a steaming cup of coffee in hand, stressed to get in that taxi to arrive at work on time. but secretly she knows how cool she looks in her pencil skirt, red heels, and neatly tucked in button up shirt. yep, that's almost what i felt like this morning.
the weather is perfect...although a bit dry and windy, but that's California for you.

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