-we got a new president. i was really excited about it, but now, almost a whole year later, I'm not so sure anymore.
-me and Bryce stayed at the Sorensen's for a weekend while my mom was in Maryland. this is when me and Anna became good friends :)
-the Raymond's moved here from Arizona.
-i drove up to Utah with the Sorensen's for President's day/Valentine's weekend and spent a wonderful weekend with my sisters. i fell in love with the snow and Utah in the winter. i also started falling for BYU.
-our stake did a Road Show. it was so much fun and all the youth in our ward got to know each other better and became closer :)
-Brianna spent a weekend here and i met all of Anna's friends. this was the beginning of many many fun nights with those people!
April: -our stake did a Road Show. it was so much fun and all the youth in our ward got to know each other better and became closer :)
-Brianna spent a weekend here and i met all of Anna's friends. this was the beginning of many many fun nights with those people!
-Andrew Sorensen left on his mission to Atlanta.
-i got contacts...it was a big deal!
-Spring break was relaxing and productive.
-started off with our annual May Dance Concert!! everyone in advanced became so close and we had so much fun!
-i tried out for team for a second time and didn't make it. it made absolutely no sense, but now, i am so glad that i didn't. i am much happier in advanced than i would ever be on team.
-end of junior year and the beginning of an amazing summer!
-i finally got a new phone...the EnV Touch.
-Youth Conference was my first adventure of the summer.
-i saw Transformers 2 with Miranda, Ben, and Jacob at midnight at Muvico!
-and the highlight of my summer: EFY!!!! BEST.WEEK.EVER. i can go on forever about it.
-fourth of July with my best friend Carly :) but i was missing EFY like crazy
-unfortunately i had to take summer school for 3 weeks for algebra 2.
-spent a fun day in LA for my dad's birthday. we went to LA live and bowled at luckystrike then went to the Dodger game!
-then i went to San Diego on the last day of summer school and spent the weekend with 2 friends from EFY...now my best friends. BEST. WEEKEND. EVER.
-was girl's camp! ward camp instead of stake, and i liked it so much more! all of the girls in our ward bonded so much! we're truly like sisters now.
-The family drove up to Utah for Kayla's graduation and moved both of them back here.
-Me, Bri, and Bryce spent a fun day with my dad at an SC football practice
-i started my senior year in high school!

-CFY (conference for youth)...Robert came up from SD and Hunter and Justin from EFY came with their friends Mckenna and Paul. we had so much fun and me, Hunter, and Justin got to celebrate our birthdays together!
-Me and Kayla drove down to SD to go to the BYU-SDSU football game. we spent all day with Ashlee and Katrina then went to the Haunted Hotel in the Gaslamp District! we spent the night and went to there ward in the morning then went back home. another amazing weekend.
-Right before Halloween, i hurt my knee in dance, finding out later that i tore my ACL.

-The family minus Brianna went down to SD once again to go to the FIDM open house there and the debut fashion show. later that day, i met up with Ashlee and Katrina and we went to Sea World!!! my first time! we had a blast! i LOVE them
-our YM and YW had a temple trip down to Newport and had a great time as always. unfortunately i didn't get to see Winston :(

-started off with Winter Dance Concert. i was able to dance a little, with my brace on. i still had so much fun though and the new advanced class bonded a lot!
-i had my knee surgery...first surgery in my whole life! it was pretty scary and very painful.
-winter break consisted of laying in bed, watching movies, eating saltines and ice chips, drugs, and throwing up. but the second week got a little better when i was able to walk!
-Christmas wasn't as enjoyable as i would have wanted...i was still in a lot of pain and it was only my 2nd/3rd day of walking.
-New Years was spent at Carly's house for her older brother's party. we had so much fun (as always) i spent the rest of the next day hanging out with her and Jessie :)
more pictures coming!
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