Monday, March 9, 2009

Road Show

this weekend was so much fun. it was a pain, but i had more fun than i thought i would! i became a lot closer to all of the people in my ward and i'm so grateful for that.
buuuut i broke my toe. well not really, but it hurts rrrreal bad. i cant put that much weight on it, and its hard to dance on =[ big bummer, i hope it gets better soon.
and one more thing...lesley left me again =[ her grandma passed away, so her and family flew to england like a week and a half ago. she said she's not going to be back till after the 18th!!! what. the. heck. why does she do this to me??! i know, im just being selfish but gahhh she's been gone basically half the school year!!!

***oh and pictures from the road show, will not be coming. lo siento. but they are just way too embarrassing.

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