Tuesday, February 5, 2008

new dance. new friend!

ok, so i have to talk about my day today...
well one big highlight i think was in dance. second period. we were learning more to our class dance that we started learning yesterday. it turns out that it's actually a really gay dance. in my opinion at least. it's to "diamonds are a girls' best friend". but fifth period did a dance to this song last year at concert. ya i know, EMBARRASSING!! well anyways...in our formation, i stand at the end of the second row, next to this girl amy. i've always thought she's really pretty, and a really good dancer. and she seemed way nice and friendly and stuff. i havent ever really talked to her that much. but now that we stand next to each in the dance, we talk a lottt. we go over parts together...which leads to laughing and messing up together. haha today was so funny. because we both see how gay the dance is, and at this one part at the end, we start cracking up!! then we just end up standing there, laughing, instead of dancing. but yeah, i was really excited that i basically met a new person in that class, and we're probably going to become more than just two people that stand next to eachother in a dance. i hope. she seems way chill. so i can't wait to see what happens. by the end of the year, maybe we'll be like best friends! i guess we'll see!

k, so later, after school, the guy i have been IN LOVE with since this summer (we're like really good friends, but i still am in love with him.) saw me walking with a few of my friends...not best friends, but really good friends...and he like stopped where he was headed to, and started walking with me!! eee BIG SMILE!! he walked with me all the way to get my track bag, and every time we talk, we have so much to talk about, and we laugh and stuff. ahh i love him so much! i wish he like always walked with me. we have a few classes together, and we eat lunch at the same place, but it's just better when its just us, without both of our friends around. i dont know why though. but it works! every time i see him i just want to jump on him and hug him. he gives the best hugs in the world by the way. like seriously. and i probably can hug him everytime i see him, but i kinda am self concious around him, b/c i dont want him to think im super weird or anything. but yeah, that was a pretty big highlight. =]


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