of course, a few good things
did happen this week. i wouldn't have been able to survive if there wasn't. first of all, i
finally finished
In Cold Blood!! this is one of the best books I've ever read. and it's hard to fathom that it's all 100% true, real events! it also may have been the hardest book I've ever read. but i recommend it to everyone. yeah, it's hard to read and get into at first, but don't give up on it. it's an amazing and unbelievable story. it makes you question things in life, and also makes you appreciate things so much more. It causes you to feel strange feelings. like with the murderers; you want to hate them so much, and you do, but you also feel sympathy for them and feel bad for them. i think i cried at the part that Perry was executed. and the last page, i was reading it in class, and it was really hard not to start bawling. and throughout the whole book-you smile, laugh, cry, and feel intense anger. it's really an incredible book, and i wish everyone would read it because i think this is a really important and impactful story that needs to be heard.

Another book i just finished
today is
The Girl Who Could Fly by Victoria Forester. AH! i love this book!! it's so so cute and inspirational! it funny, exciting, surprising, and sad. i laughed and cried. I absolutely loved the story. Like Stephenie Meyer said, (i got the recommendation for this book from her
blog) it's Little House on the Prairie meets Xmen. it's completely not what you would expect, which is why you're thinking, "Little House On the Prairie meets Xmen?!?" well, yeah that really is what it's like. and you're just gonna have to read it to see what i mean! =] but it's more of a younger generation version of Xmen. i love the love Piper has for everything around her. she is such a cute girl! i wish books were real so i can meet these characters!