then Saturday, Robert came up from San Diego. we watched a little football, went to Lotus, the mall, just cruised around to kill the time. i saw a bunch of my friends at the mall! and people kept calling/texting me, so Robert thought i was so popular hahahha.
we got ready then went to CFY at the stake center. it was nice and i felt the spirit pretty strongly. i have always loved CFY (best of EFY). we finally found Justin and Hunter (friends from EFY). Justin brought his friends Paul and Mckenna. they were really nice.

Everybody had to write a commitment on a piece of paper and tie it to a balloon. then all of us let go of our balloons and watched them drift away into the clear sky. it was pretty cool :)

we had El Pollo Loco for dinner. yum. then we all (my friends) went to the Dollar Store and had a pretty crazy time in there hahah. we showed up to the dance with plastic blue patriotic hats decorated with stickers saying "STOP GIRL", "CAUTION", "KEEP OUT" hahahh so funny. and of course, glowsticks!! but the leaders eventually told us we weren't allowed to have glowsticks, so we decorated Hunter's car with them. we partied outside until the live band was done playing stupid songs. Paul and Justin tried to get as many girls' numbers as possible (including mine). then i had to say goodbye to everyone. i hope i see them all soon.
it was a lame dance, but i think we had a ton of fun. all of our after party plans didn't happen and cassie couldn't sleep over, so the night wasn't as fun as it potentially could have been, but I'm so happy i was able to re-unite with these friends and meet some new ones!!
another fantastic weekend. now i need to think of something fun to do for the long weekend in three days!
{pictures by Sister Bowers}